Sunday, July 13, 2008


This weekend was a very good weekend. Friday Jer got off at lunch and we went to this town called Magna which is right next to were Jer work and we looked at this mobile home park that Jeremys buddy at work recommended. We went in there and talked to the lady and long story short we are in the process of buying a brand new 2008 never been lived in 3 bedroom 2 bath 1100 square foot home. I am so excited. We got approved to live there which included passing a back ground check and credit check. Now we are getting all the paper work in order to get approved for the loan. The house will be moved there the beginning of August and we can move into it in October at the latest as long as we get the loan approved. We are praying that we get approved for the loan. So please pray for us. This is was we really want. We want to be are on own. We want are own place. I am tired of living with family in the basement. They have been great to us and I love my house but it changes the whole dynamics of our family when we have to live with parents and his is our oppertuinty to have a place of our own. This is a huge step and if any of you know where Jeremy has been this is a long way from where we have been and we are both so excited for this. We are already making plans. We toured the town today and I love it. Its about 2 miles from Jeremy work which is a huge pro. Its brand new and I will have my own bathroom, I hate moving bath toys every time I want to take a shower.
We told Jeremys parents because they had to fill out a renters form for us and they were not every supportive of it at all. They dont like the idea of us living in a mobile home and Jeremy spend hours being lectured and defending himself. Its sad when parents dont support us. I always get the feeling that they dont want us living here but than when we find a place of our own they are not supportive because its not what they want. They dont have to live in it why do they care. I guess we will see what happens.
We have been praying about it and Jeremy and I both feel this is a good idea and if it is meant to be than it will happen. Doors are already starting to open for us so we just hope they continue to open.
I would really love to live on our own again.

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