Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Video of the Slip and Slide

Video of Levi Swimming


I went to the doctor on Monday and everything was fine. He says I was measuring right on schedule and the baby sounds fine. I than had my Glucose test. They make you drink this orange drink that is loaded with sugar. It kinda tastes like a melted Popsicle with a very nasty after taste. Than you wait for a hour and they draw all sorts of blood.
Yesterday I got home from a morning of a bunch of errons and had a message from the Doctors medical assistant that I needed to call. I knew they only call you if something is wrong with the lab work. So I called them back and she said that my sugar test was fine but I am really really really anemic. So today I got to go get me a bunch of iron pills and try to get my number back up which can take 6 weeks of taking the pills to work. This does however explian why I have been so tired.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 24th

We went to Meadow, UT for Pioneer Day and the Carling Family reunion. We had a real adventure. We got down there and our tent trailer would not open. It had been in the shop for a week being fixed but apparently they made it worse cause it would not open at all and the whole cable snapped. So we had to set up a makeshift tent (we have a big tent but we thought we were not going to need it cause we have a tent trailer so it was left). We made a tent out of our shade tarp and the 5 of us (Jer, me, Levi, Sammy and the baby inside) got to share a full size mattress for two nights. I spent the first night with little feet in my face the whole night and no sleep. The next night I put Jer in the middle and was able to get some sleep.
Levi got to be apart of the parade and had a great time.
He spent most of the time in the swimming pool and there were about 30 kids there all camping out so he always had someone to play with.
Than on the way home the trailer tire totally blew out. We were able to get to the side of the road and had a spare tire but the lug wrench that we had for the car did not fit the nuts for the tire. Some good Samaritan stopped and his wrench fit the lug nuts so we were able to change the tire.
So after towing 1200 lbs of dead weight about 300 miles and not being able to use it at all we had a tire explode half way home. We took it all in stride and I think we were able to have a fun weekend in spite of all.
We got home to some ripe veggies in the garden, which I was super happy about cause we left the garden and the cats to fend for themselves and they all survived.

Levi first time on a slip and slide

Levi in the handcart in the parade

Jer trying his hardest to make the trailer work

Levi on the swing

Levi and Grandpa Dennis in the tractor

Shaving cream activity

Diving for money

Bubble blowing contest

Some veggies

Whats left of the tire

Thursday, July 23, 2009


We ate our first Cherry Tomato out of the garden. It was so good. I cant wait for more.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hump Day

Today was a good day. I made the Zucchini bread. It turned out really good. I went and brought dinner to my friend that had twin boys two weeks ago. They are the cutest little boys. It was fun to see them.
I took some pictures of the kittens. They are all doing well. Three of them will eat solid food and two of them are not interested in it yet. They run all over the house and love to play.
We were going to go to Meadow tomorrow but Jeremy has to work on Friday (its a paid holiday around here for Pioneer Day) so now we are not leaving until Friday afternoon. I was looking forward to the three day weekend but the money is not bad.

Mamma Lilly

The black one Levi calles K-No (already has a home when shes ready)

The one we call Tiger

We call this one Screamer

This one is called Brown

This one is called Spot

This one is called Levi

Bread. I love to eat it with a nice thick layer of cream chesse on top.


Ok here are some of the things that we have been up to
  • I got a new camera yesterday. I am so happy to have a camera again.
  • Levi is over the Chicken Pox
  • We bought a tent trailer
  • I am now 26 weeks pregnant
  • Our shower broke so we had to take baths for a few days until we got a new shower head yesterday
  • Jeremy went fly fishing and loved it
  • Our garden is still going strong
  • The kittens are driving me crazy and I am ready to get rid of them
  • We are going to Sherry's family reunion this weekend. (Get to try out our new tent trailer)
  • Its gotten really hot and uncomfortable

Monday, July 13, 2009

Chicken Poxs

Levi has the chicken pox. Yesterday I noticed two little bumps one on his arm and the other on his collar. They looked like over grown zits. I asked Jer to look at them and he said that they looked the zits. But when he tried to pop one it was really hard. So than I started to think maybe they were flea bits.

Than this morning when we woke up he had about 7 more of them. Jeremy stayed home from work today for what I like to call a mental health day and we got kind of worried cause they multiplied over night. Jeremy wanted to take him to the doctor and I was afraid that they were flea bites and I did not want the doctor to tell me that. But its worth it to pay the $10.00 for the peace of mind. So we went to the doctor and she said they look like chicken pox. He had the vaccine so this is just a super mild case of them. He only has 8 or 9 bumps and they are not bothering him at all and he does not have a fever. The doc said that cause he had the vaccine than most of the time he cant even spread it to others. But its better to be safe, so we are going to lay real low until they scab over and hes all healed. The doc also told me to call my OB doc and just make sure that I am ok. My doc said that because I have had them than I have nothing to worry about. I have no idea where he got them. It could be from any where. But the doc said that its about 7 to 10 days that the virus incubates for. So that puts us up in Idaho where he might have got them . Jer called his mom and told her to make sure everyone else that was there knows. I guess this is just one of the many joys of being a mom.

On a totally different note, we canned some of our beets today. Jeremy got some money for his Birthday (thanks mom and dad) and we bought a pressure canner with the money today and tried our hands at canning. I really wish my mom was here to show me how to do it. But I did call her a bunch and I read the instruction booklet about a dozen times. After all was said and done we got 3 cans of beets. Jeremy is so excited about canning. He really likes the fact that we are canning our own food. I think its fun too. We both cant wait to can more things.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Jeremy made these three cars for Levi and suprised us with them when he came home on Saturday at work.
Levi likes them.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


If one more person asks me if I am having twins I think I will scream at them. I have only gained 6 lbs. I know I feel huge but why every time I go some where does someone have to make the comment that I am "so big" or ask if I am sure I am not having twins. Its getting really old. I still have 3 1/2 months to go which is not that long but when I tell people Halloween I think they think it is longer away than it is.

So yes I am sure I am not having twins and I know that I am huge but everyone can just keep their comments to themselves.

On a happier note we went to a friends birthday BBQ tonight and had a really good time. Levi played in the hot tub with all the other kids the whole time. I am so use to people telling me how huge I am that I did not let it ruin my evening. And I got a double scoop of Baskin Robbins ice cream on the way home just to add to my hugeness.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday night

We went to the ward picnic and had a good time. The food was good but there was no desserts. I was bummed cause I have been craving everything sweet.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Anniversary

4 years ago today Jeremy and I were married. I am so glad that we got married. I love Jeremy.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lazy Tuesday

Yesterday was super busy. I had to unpack, and do all the laundry from out trip. I also took Levi to the doctor. Hes got a very slight ear infection so hes now on antibiotics. He seems to be doing better today.
It was also my moms birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday Mom!!
I started weeding the garden. Which is getting harder and harder cause its hard for me to sit on the ground the bigger I get.
Its gotten almost impossible for me sleep. My Sciatic nerve really really bothers me when I lay down and makes it impossible to get comfortable. Which makes it impossible to sleep.
So I have done nothing today.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I just had to share that we had our first garden vegetable and it was soooooo good. It is so nice to be able to eat out of the garden. I cant wait till more are ready.

H Bar H Ranch

We had a great time in Idaho. It was a long drive up there and it was super hot. We did not have to "camp" but set up an air mattress in the mud room which was not fun cause everyone uses the back door so while we were trying to sleep everyone was walking in and out of our room. Levi had so much fun getting dirty and playing with the cousins.
Jeremy turned 31 while we were up there. We spent his Birthday at the Lake than came back to the ranch and had dinner and than homemade carrot cake witch was really really good than we set off a bunch of fireworks.
Jeremy spent a lot of time working with Mike digging a trench.
Growing up we very rarely spend any time with my extended family so being around all this extended family is something that I really have to get use to but its fun to see everyone and I got to meet some of Jeremy's family that I have never met.
I had NO cell service while I was up there which was a real change and kind of nice.
We got home late last night and the baby kittens are so cute. They are starting to climb out of their box and learning how to walk.
Now we just have to unpack and clean and laundry and all that happy stuff.
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July

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