Monday, July 7, 2008


So as many of you know I am part of a moms group called Rocky Mountain Mammas. Its a group on the meetup website.
I joined the group almost a year ago and loved it. I meet so many wonderful people and got out of my shell and went a bunch of different places. Now the group has changed organizers and a lot of us are having a hard time with it. I have made some close friends in the group and we are all concerned about the new leaders leadership skills. She has not been a member of the group for more than 2 months and now she wants to take the whole thing over. I hate to see this group take a turn for the worst. Some of the older members have emailed the new leader and told her that they would like to take over the group and she will not respond to them. So we will see what happens. I was talking to one of my friends and she is thinking about starting her own group. I think that sounds like a good idea and I will support her all the way.

On another note Levi has started to call everyone Mommy. Its so cute. He walks up to Grandpa and says "Mommy" and he will keep saying it till Grandpa acknowledges him. He calls Jer Mommy to. Its his favorite word and he will say it all day long

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me too girl. I have emailed her twice with no response asking if she can add me back on as an assistant organizer. WTF? Who is thinking of doing their own group?

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