Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Baby Time

I had my doctor appointment today and we decided that I am done. Tomorrow I will be induced and have a baby. I am so happy and nervous. I am most scared that it will be like Levis birth when they scheduled me for the induction and than did not have a bed for me and we had to wait a whole extra day. I know that does not sound like a big deal but when you get all set and ready and than you cant have baby that day is not a nice thing to do to a pregnant women. So thats my biggest fear right now is that every pregnant women will go into labor tonight and they wont have a bed for me tomorrow. But its out of my control so worrying about it wont do any good.
My mom is on a plane right now (I hope) and will be here at 10:30pm so she will be staying with Levi. My plan is to be out by Halloween so I can enjoy my little Indian Levi.
I did get my H1N1 shot today at the doctor. I was really surprised that they had it at the office. But I got it so I hope that it helps.
I got a blessing by Jeremy and Grant (our neighbor) and that did make me feel better.
Our hospital bag is packed and ready to go.
So tomorrow morning I have to call at 7am to make sure they are ready for me.
Wish me luck!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birhtday Levi (tomorrow)

Its been a long time since my last post. I am still pregnant. I am 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. The baby is still high.
Today we celebrated Levis birthday with family. We had a good time. Levi got to open presents and have cake.
Auntie M and Uncle Jeffy sent him a card that he opened yesterday. It had a little sticky hand in it the kind that you grab one end and fling at things and sticks. It was so fun to watch him play with that hand.
Today he got a bunch of Thomas the train toys and some construction tractors and helicopters. He still thinks he it two and when I try to tell him hes three he gets mad.
I love my baby Levi. I cant believe that it has been three years. He is such a big boy now and I love him. I love watching him grow and learn new things. I cant imagine my life without him.

His birthday is tomorrow but we got the family together today. Tomorrow I am not sure what we are going to do. Something very very low key as I am 9 months pregnant and have very limited energy.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Wheeler Farm Halloween Fun

Today we went to Wheeler Farm for their Halloween stuff. We had a wonderful time. The weather was perfect and Levi had so much fun. We got to go thru a corn/hale bale maze, pick out a pumpkin, ride a wagon, feed the ducks, see all the animals, ride a pony, and all in all had a great time. I think Levis favorite part was feeding the ducks. He loves to feed them. He also enjoyed the pony ride.

Waiting to get our tickets

Daddy waiting

Levi in the corn maze

Daddy and Levi

Mommy and Levi

Levi thinks he knows which way to go

Trying to find his way out

maybe this way

Mommy and Levi picking out the perfect pumpkin

Got to find one bigger than my belly

Maybe I will stuff one under my shirt

Still looking

I think we might have found it

Lets carry it back

Here we go on the wagon ride

Big pig

Feeding the ducks

Feeding the ducks

My big boy

Driving the tractor

Trying to move the tractor

Riding the pony, his name was Licorice

Say thank you Licorice

The big horses

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fetzers 100 years

Yesterday Jeremy work had a celebration of their 100th year. We got a tour of the shop, a presentation and the concluding speaker was Pres. Uchtdorf the Second Counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Than we had dinner. It was a good time. Levi was super super tired that night which made the whole thing a whole new adventure but he did have a good time seeing Daddy's tools and all the other things in the shop.

Levi took this pic

Pre Uchtdorf
Yesterday Jeremy work had a celebration of their 100th year. We got a tour of the shop, a presentation and the concluding speaker was Pres. Uchtdorf the Second Counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Than we had dinner. It was a good time. Levi was super super tired that night which made the whole thing a whole new adventure but he did have a good time seeing Daddy's tools and all the other things in the shop.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Baby Shower

I had my "baby shower" dinner with my friends tonight. I had a wonderful time. I feel so blessed right now to have friends. I have never really had friends since junior high and it makes my heart full to know that I have a great group of friends.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Doctor Visit

I saw the doctor today. Everything seems to be normal. Next week he will check to see if my cervix has changed. I thought he was going to check today but he just did a Group B Strep test.

Because of the whole Swine Flu no one under 14 is allowed in the hospital to visit me, and that includes Levi. I am so sad about that. I wanted Levi to be able to meet his little bro right away. But I understand that they have to take precautions. I am also only allowed to have 2 visitors at a time and Jeremy counts as one. I really have mixed feeling over the whole thing. I am trying to look on the bright side, but cant help but think I should be taking this whole H1N1 thing more serious.

Baby Pool
Come take a guess!!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Happy October. I dont have much to report and thats why its been so long since my last post.

I am loving the cooler weather. It snowed in the mountain the other day and it was really pretty to see. I am looking forward to the snow.

I am very very uncomfortable with this baby inside and in a fair amount of pain. I am just tired and hope that I dont have to do this to much longer.

Levi is getting so big. He will be three this month and its hard to believe that hes that old. Hes really looking forward to seeing his Auntie M and Cunkle Jeffey (the way he says uncle is so cute) for Thanksgiving I am to. I am looking forward to having everyone here.

It should be a busy month with all the fall things going on and the new baby coming this month. I am really hoping that he comes this month.
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