Saturday, April 23, 2011

Thrid Egg Hunt

Egg hunt at Grandma Wonderfuls
Kyle and Levi were in different age groups this year so Jer took Kyle and I took Levi. I only got one picture of Levi hunting because there were so many kids and Levi was at the young end of the age group and all the eggs were got with in a minute after they started. Levi got about 6 eggs and was happy
Kyle had a blast and got about 10 eggs.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Washing the motorcycle

Spring is in the air and its time to bring out the summer toys :)

Easter with Grandma

Last Sunday we had Easter with Grandma Sherry and all the cousins.
The kids had a blast.
Kyle likes to find eggs.
Levi loves to play ruff with all the bigger cousins.
The weather cooperated.

Thank Amy for the pictures as I forgot my camera.

Friday, April 8, 2011


I had another birthday. It was a great one. Now starts my last year to be in my 20s and it started off GREAT.
Went to a playgroup with Kyle this morning while Jeremy took Levi present shopping. My friend Rachel gave me a very cool House picture, that is already hung up in the living room. Came home to a big singing balloon and a cake and a very fancy wireless phone charger.
We than rested and hung out till it was time to take the kids to Grandma Sherrys house. We dropped them off and Jeremy and I went to lunch with two other couples. We went to Red Lobster for dinner and it was sooooo good. I had a great time.
I now took a sleeping pill and am going to go to sleep cause part of my present is Jeremy is going to wake up with Squishy tonight so I can sleep the whole night.

Levi picked out the cake

See all the little fingers


My new wireless charger

Huge balloon

new House picture

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