Sunday, August 30, 2009

Was it the weekend?

This is a picture of one of our pumkins. Its almost fall and I cant wait. I love the fall.

Jeremy worked almost 80 hours this week including yesterday and he worked today but those hours dont . So it did not feel like a weekend to me. We did however go out to dinner last night cause it was just one of those days and we had a gift cert.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hump Day

I went to the doctor yesterday and everything is still fine. He told me I could resume normal activity so I took that to mean that I could catch up on all the things I did not do over the weekend. So I went shopping and did laundry and dishes and mopped the floors than when I finally sat down I started having contraction like crazy. At this point Jeremy was home so I asked for a big glass of water and drank so much water I thought I was going to turn into a fish, seriously I had never drank that much water in such a short amount of time. Jer was worried so he made me call the doctor. (I had about 8 contraction in about 30 minutes) They say you are suppose to call if you have more than 6 in an hour. But I told him that all they were going to say is rest and drink a huge amount of water and if they don't slow down come in. And that is exactly what they said. And lucky for me they calmed way down after I rested for a bit.
Monday I picked a bunch of tomatoes. I canned 5 jars of tomatoes and one exploded in the canner so I ended up with 4 jars. I still have no idea what I am doing so they did not turn out like I remember my moms looking but we will have to see if they taste ok when we go to eat them
Today I set up Levis new room and the took a 3 hour nap in there today. I am planning on a ruff night in the new room but we will see how it goes.
Jeremy is still working crazy hours and its hard not having him home when I am use to but it wont last forever.

These are the cherry tomatoes I am not sure what to do with

Levi sleeping in his big boy bed. He is really asleep.

Jars of beats and tomatoes

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Scary Weekend

Well it was a crazy weekend. Friday morning I woke up about 4 am and was having really really bad cramps. Jeremy went to work and I called Labor and Delivery. They told me to drink a huge glass of water and if I could not keep it down or the cramps got worse I needed to come in right away. So I got about 2/3 done with the water and threw it all up. I sent Jer a text and said that he needed to come home cause we were going to the hospital right now. He had been at work for about 10 min. We only live 3 miles from work so he was home right away and than we were at the hospital about 30 minutes later. The cramps were coming in waves. They would come and than stop. So they checked me right into the hospital and my wonderful sister in law Amy came and got Levi even though it was really early. They hooked me up to all the monitors and all though the cramping I was having was instenital I was also having contractions really regular. They were coming like every 3 to 4 minutes. So they gave me a shot of Tribuline which is a mussel relaxer and than after 5 tries trying to get an IV in they gave me 2 big bags of liquid and than the contractions had stopped and they sent me on my way telling me rest until I see my doctor on Tuesday. It was really scary but everything turned out fine. I feel back to my normal self so now I just have to remember to take it easy even if I feel good.

Than my computer totally crashed. Apprently I erased the whole registry without knowing it. Luckly Jer has a friend at work that fixed it and it only took him over night. Now my computer is running really fast.

One arm where they tried to get the IV in

Levi felt the need to try out the baby bed.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Grandma Wonderful

We spent the day with Grandma Wonderful taking her to two doctors and than having lunch and picking up an Rx. Levi really loves his Grandma Wonderful. He loves to play the organ when we go to her house. He calls it a piano.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fall for you

Here is the song Levi was singing in the other post with the music.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I have not felt good this weekend. Saturday we rested and then went to a BBQ. I had a good time but just did not feel every good.
Toady I slept A LOT. I pulled out the hide a bed couch this morning and stayed there most of the day. I am lucky that my wonderful husband let me get sleep. I got up and made dinner but still don't feel good.

On a totally different note Levi still has a sippy cup of milk and half the time its chocolate milk about 4 or 5 times a day. I kept letting Jeremy that we need to stop this habit cause it is affecting the way he eats. He will fill up on milk and than eat nothing. So this morning I decided to stop. He can have milk in a big boy cup but the only thing in a sippy will be water. Its going to be a ruff week. Hes got into the habit of milk before he sleeps and when he gets tired he asks for his ble ble and milk. So hes been asking for it all day and has got upset when he only gets water. I am hoping that he will start eating more in a few days when he not on the liquid diet any more. I know that in the long run it will be more healthy for him but its going to be ruff to break the habit.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Another song by Levi

Theres no music on this one. Can you still guess what song it is?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Name that Tune

Can you guess what Levi is singing?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

28 weeks

I am now in my third trimester. I am feeling pretty good except for my sciatic nerve. Its really hurting but I deal.

Monday, August 10, 2009


We went camping on Sunday night thru Monday afternoon. It was just a short get away. We went to Deer Creek Resivor. The weather was really nice. It got pretty cold in the middle of night but I had Sammy in my sleeping bag to keep me warm.
We went with some friends of ours and Levi loves playing with their girls.
I burnt my arm on the fire pit and that hurt.
It was a little to cold to go swimming but Levi and Jeremy had fun fishing. All they caught were little Blue Gill but Levi got a real kick out of it.

Jeremy and Levi fishing

We think there are kids under that dirt some where

Sammy dirty bum

One of the blue gills

Levi thinks hes going to drive us

My burn

A video of Levi and Jeremy getting a fish

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Visit from the Parents

My parents came into town on Saturday. They rode the motorcycle out here. Than Sunday morning my dad left on his way to Sturigs, South Dakota for the big motorcycle rally they have every year and my mom stayed with us. She left tonight. While she was here we painted Levis new room and got it cleaned out. I am so happy that it got done. Now we just have to get a dresser and put up the chair rail and hang some blinds and it will be ready for Levi. I am so lucky my mom was able to come out and do the painting for me. I was getting a little stressed about not having anything ready and done for the new baby that will be here in less than 3 months. We also washed all the baby clothes and got them ready for the new one.
While she was here my van broke again. I have the WORST luck with cars. We were driving to go swimming (Jer was driving) and all of a sudden the power stearing went out. Than we noticed the AC was not working and than the battery light came on. We got to the pool went swimming and had a great time. Than on the way home the car was still doing all of those things and it was over heating really bad. So we nursed it home and found out that we had slipped a belt. It was the Serpintine belt. So $400 later we got a new water pump and two new pully to make the thing work again. I am so tired of car trouble I cant stand it.
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