Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rocky Mouth

We went on a family hike to Rocky Mouth. Levi loves loves loves to hike. We had a good time. I want to go back when the weather is warmer so I can go swimming in the waterfall.

Jeremy Backpacking Trip

Jeremy went backpacking with some friends last weekend. The trip did not quite go as planned but they had a good time.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Family Night

For family night we went fishing. Levi was so excited to try out his new fishing pole he got for Easter. They did not catch anything but we all had fun and I am so glad that the weather is getting nice enough for us to be outside.

Gramma Craigs Visit 4

Red Butte Gardens had a free day for Arbor Day. The weather was not cooperating and we got snowed on. We were still able to see a lot of the gardens and we all got free trees out of it.

My mom was freezing in the snow

Gramma Craigs Visit 3

My favorite part of moms visit was the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point.
The weather was perfect and we all had a blast.
My girlfriend and her kids came with us. We must have walked about 87 miles all over the gardens.

Waiting to go into the gardens


Levis favorite park was rolling down the big hill. They had a perfect rolling hill and Levi would had like to stay there all day and roll

Climbing back up

My good friend Rachel and her kids

Kyle and Jilli

Us by the waterfall

I called this the bathtub fountains

Getting our feet wet

Feeding the fish

The Childrens Discovery Garden

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