Sunday, February 24, 2013

Trip To Idaho

On valentines day we packed up and went to Cambridge ID to visit Jeremy's mom and step-dad. We had a great time. The kids played with uncle Cody the whole time and I got in two very good runs.
Here are the picture from the trip.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Levi lost his first tooth

Levi lost his first tooth. It's been lose for about a week and this morning he woke up and had a really really sad look on his face so I asked him what was wrong. He said he lost his tooth in the middle of the night and could not find it. So we all went on the great tooth hunt. Jeremy was the one that found it in the floor in Levi's room. I am glad we found it. We have a special box that we put it in and we will put it under his pillow and see what the tooth fairy brings him. I have a feeling that the tooth fairy will be bringing a nice crisp two dollar bill.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Chasing Cupid 5k

Ran a 5k this morning in the snow. It started snowing pretty heavy about 10 minutes before the race started. It was a really cold and skippy run. It was a fun run and was not timed but my phone said my time was 31:05. Which I am happy about. I started at the back of the pack with my friends and had to weave through a bunch of people to find my pace. It was also really slippery and my only goal for the race was to not fall so I went slower in some spots.
The run was called Chasing Cupid and they had 3 cupids that we running and if you "caught" them they would put a sticker on your bid with a number on it and than at the finish your number corresponded with a prize. I got a number and my prize was a pair of sunglasses.
We also got a finisher "medal" (it's more like a key chain).
Over all I had a good time and since I had some friends there it was even more fun.
Here are some pictures :)
Jeremy did not get any pictures of me finishing cause he had just got out of the bathroom with Kyle. I did sprint the last 50 feet :)

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