Wednesday, July 30, 2008

House Hunt

We have been looking at houses yesterday and today. Its been a long few nights. We found one tonight that we both like. Our Realtor is going to do some research on it first thing in the morning and let us know what we should offer and than I guess we will go from there. Its a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom. The house is on the smaller side but its on a very nice lot thats fully fenced and its got hardwood floors that the seller is refinishing. I love it so I am hoping that everything goes smooth from here.
Levi and I went to a place called Bouncing off the Walls today with our moms group. Levi was in a weird mood so he did not really get into it but I think he had fun.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Awesome guys! I hope you get it. As I'm sure you know Amy and I are on the house hunt as well. We are being very methodical about it all. Taking our time. BTW My dad is a mortgage broker so he can get you the best loan possible. So if you need to find a lender let me know and I'll get you in touch with him.

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