Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

We went to Meadow for the weekend. Had a great time. Came home Sunday. I had a race on Monday morning. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Chicken penthouse

We started working on our chicken coop. We sent half of Saturday and all day Sunday. It's able to house the chickens now but it still needs a lot to be done.  

Jere my buddy from work and his wife came over and helped us. 
Kyle is testing it's strength. 
All,done till next pay day
Chicks checking it out. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Chickens and no training wheels

We got chickens a few weeks ago and we having so much fun with them. We got 10 of them. Levi named his Black Lighting, Kyle named his Blue Lighting, I named mine Rock and Jeremy named his Chickarealy. The other 6 don't have names yet. They are in brooding box in my living room. My house smells and they are noisy. I cant wait till they are outside and start laying eggs. 
Yesterday kyle learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. I helped him a few times up and down the sidewalk and than he told me to let him go so I did and off he took. That kid has great balance, just like his mother!!  He was so proud of himself. All he wanted to do today was ride his bike. 

Levi had a concert at school. All the kindergarten classes sang all the songs they have been learning all year. It was so fun to watch him sing. 
Can you find Levi?
Jeremy shaved off all his facial hair the last day of April cause they are having a beard growing contest all of May. 
And here's a pic of me :)

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