Sunday, May 31, 2009

Idaho and Willard Bay

Ok this is the fifth time I am trying to get this post to work. I finally gave up last night. I hope it works this time.

We took a very very short trip to Idaho yesterday. Jeremy got the short straw at work and had to go get the lotto tickets for everyone. They do it once a month. So we drove the hour and a half to Idaho and stopped at the first gas station and than headed back to Utah. We were there for all of about 10 minutes. It was Levis first time in Idaho so I thought I would document it.

On our way home we planned to stop at Willard Bay so Jer could fish and Levi and I could swim. We brought a picnic lunch and had a wonderful time. It was so nice and calm at the Lake. The water was a little chilly but it was still fun to float around in. Levi had so much fun swimming and floating around with us in the raft.
Sammy forgot how to swim and I thought I was going to have to jump in and save him. It really scared me. I thew him off the raft about 20 feet from shore. It took him forever to get his head out of the water and than it was almost like his back feet were stuck under the water on something and he was struggling to keep his head above water. I was paddling over to him so I could grab him but than he got his but out of the water and this tail came out and than he started to move forward. After he was ok I thought it was funny. I guess it was a long winter for all of us.
All in all it was a great way to end the month.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

18 Weeks

We had a good lighting storm this evening. It was really fun to watch. I had never seen the bolts of lighting till we moved to Utah. In Cali all I ever saw was the flash lighting which is not as cool in my opinion.
Before the storm we were able to build the cat box for her to have her babies in and we were able to put up the supports for the tomatoes.

Sammy is loving Spring cause we are outside all the time and able to throw his ball all over the yard. Which makes him tired.

Our Tomato Supports

I have started the weekly belly shots
17 Weeks

18 Weeks Today

Head to rump, your baby is approximately 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and weighs almost 7 ounces.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This ones for Amy

Hes says that hes going to see Grampa Craig on an airplane in two weeks. Than I ask him who hes going to see and he says Amy. Than I as and who else. I was trying to get him to say Uncle Jeffey but he said "Taco". Amy will understand.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Did you miss me?

Its been awhile. We had a three day weekend and had a great time. We did not really have any plans and just played it by ear. We had a fire in the backyard on Saturday night and roasted marshmallows and had somores. Some friends came over and they hung out around the fire with us. Levi loves to play with their girls so it was fun to watch them all run around the backyard together.
Today we went swimming at the outdoor pool here in West Valley. Jeremy got really sun burnt and my shoulders got a little pink but I was trying to accelerate my tan so I smeared baby oil all over instead of sun screen. I want to be nice and tan for Cali in two week.

Levis and Sammy

The beets

Lilly is due to have her babies in about 2 or 3 weeks

Our Garden


Levi roasting his first marshmallow

Jer and Levi going swimming

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Doctor Visit

I saw the doctor today. Everything is going great. We heard the heart beat and he felt my belly and said everything is growing good. He says I am still ok to fly. I was so worried last night that something was going to be wrong and I was not going to be able to go to Cali that I could not sleep and when I did I had the crazies dreams ever. But it was all for nothing like most of my worrying cause everything is fine. I will find out what I am having on June 8th, the day before I go to Cali. I cant wait. June is so full of fun exciting stuff that I cant wait. I am going to find out what baby #2 is and will get to see him/her. I am going to Cali and my sister is taking a bunch of time off of work so I will have ample Amy time. Than when I get back we have the Madsen Family reunion. Than I have another doctor app. Than we have the Hollon (Jeremys Moms) family reunion, which we than will be driving to Idaho and camping for 9 days. So 2.5 weeks of June will be spent on vacation. I cant wait.
The best part of today was that I have not gained any weight with this pregnancy yet. Which is really surprising cause all I crave is junk food :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Today we were getting ready for church and I was in the bed room and Jeremy was out in the living with Levi. I was almost done and ready to go when I heard people yelling outside. Than I hear Jeremy yell " Are you ok?" I come out to see what going on and Jer says watch the boy a car just flipped over. He started running out the gate. I grab the phone and call 911 and go outside to see what is going on. I look down 6400 W about 50 yards and all I see is the under side of a car and Jeremy running up the street. All the neighbors were either running over there or on there phones. By the time I got off the phone with 911 about 30 seconds latter the cops were there and with in about 2 min there were 6 cops and a fire truck. Jer came back soon after the cops got there. No one was seriously hurt. The driver of the car that flipped had decided to leave his two kids at home on a whim so there were no kids involved. They blocked the street right at out house which made getting to church more of an adventure than normal. I was just really glad that every one was ok. I guess there was 4 cars that were involved. The car the flipped was trying to avoid hitting another car and just over corrected and went over. The street is a very straight street and people go way to fast up and down it.
We got home from church and rested. Than we uncovered the swap cooler and hung out outside for a while.

Saturday, May 16, 2009



Friday afternoon I took the activity day girls to the Jordan River Temple where the other leader gave them a short lesson on temples. Jeremy was working late to I had to take Levi. We had a nice time.

Beautilful Weekend

My mom called me yesterday and said that she would help pay for plane tickets if I wanted to come out and visit. Jeremy and I decided that Levi and I could go out there for a week next month. I am so excited. I did not think that I was going to be able to go out there this summer and now I am going. Its going to be so fun. I wish Jer could come with us and I am going to miss him like crazy but right after I get home we are going to his family reunion and will be together for 10 days straight.

Last night my best friend from Cali came and visited with us. It was so good to see her. Levi took right to her and could not quite say Beth so it sounded like he was saying Bass. It was pretty cute. She left early this morning.

Jeremy had to work today, but when he got home we went for an adventure up Big Cottonwood Canyon. We went and visited a water fall. Levis favorite part was throwing rocks in the river. We than had lunch at a picnic area. On the way up there we saw a moose. It was so cool to see a real wild moose. It was just drinking in the river. It was still a little young one. Levi thought it was pretty cool

My friend Beth

The Moose

The waterfall

An old mine right by the waterfall

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