Saturday, November 2, 2013

Birthday/Halloween recap

My babies turned 7 and 4. They are so old now. They are the best kids ever and I love them with all my heart!! 
We had a birthday party for them at the skate park and had a lot of fun. 
Levi is doing great in school. He's really excelling at reading. He has two grown up teeth and two loose teeth. He loves video games and science. 
Kyle is loving preschool and learning his letters. He loves art. He loves to do any and every thing his brother is doing. He won't eat anything unless its covered in sugar or ranch. I am pretty sure he has ate his weight in Halloween candy. He's still not sleeping through the night and loves to rub his face on me. 
We went to insta care yesterday cause jeremy has an infection in his pinky from a thorn. He's on antibiotics now so hopefully it will be feeling better. 
I am training for my 2nd half marathon. Amy and I will be running a half in CA when I am out there for thanksgiving. 

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