Friday, April 30, 2010


I am way behind on my posting. Last week Levi started soccer. Last week was a meet the Coach (who happens to be Jeremy) and picture day. Tomorrow he will start with games. Jeremy is happy to be coach and will do a great job. Levi has fun running around with all the kids.

6 months old

Kyle is now 6 months old. We had is 6 month check up today. He is doing great. Hes 18.0 lbs and 27.something inches. Hes growing like a weed.
He loves to be held
He loves to watch Levi
He will sing with me when I am trying to get him to sleep
He is very very aware when I leave the room
He loves any and all food.
He rolls front to back and back to front.
He can sit on his own for a short amount of time
He loves to smile
We love him so much and he is such a joy to our family

Monday, April 26, 2010

Auntie M

It was my sisters birthday on Saturday. Happy birthday Auntie M. We love you lots and miss you. Thanks for being my friend and my sister.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

2010 Garden

Willard Bay Camping 4-16-10

  • Trailer worked great
  • Family time
  • Roasting hot dogs
  • Smores
  • Camp fire
  • Fishing
  • Levi had a BLAST
  • getting out of town
  • Kyles first camping trip

  • Gnats
  • Gnats
  • Gnats
  • Diaper malfunction in the first 30 min
  • 100 yards from freeway
  • Freight train running all night
  • Had to come home

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sun Kissed

We went to Wheeler Farms today. We went with the moms group and I brought my friend Meghan and her girls along. We had so much fun. It was perfect weather. I put sun screen on the kids but none on me so I did get a little red. I love that its getting warmer and we are able to be outside. We will be visiting this place again and again.

Feeding the ducks

The kids


This horse was eating out of their hands and Levi would just giggle every time he took the hay from him

Three little monkeys jumping on the table

I have never ever seen Levi make that strange face.


Kyle was tucker out from all the sights.

A little scared of heights but trying to be a good sport.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jungle Jims

I took the boys to Jungle Jims with my moms group. Levi had a blast. He was so happy to play with his friends and ride the rides.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Another Trip around the Sun

I have made another trip around the sun. Today I am 28. I don't feel that old at all.
While my mom was here Jeremy and I had the chance to go out to dinner for my birthday. We went to a sushi restaurant downtown. It was so good. We ate ourselves silly.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Last weekend Jeremy had his first riding lesson with his dad. He put over 40 miles on the bike and had a blast. Levi really wanted to ride it so Jer took him around the house. I can remember when my Daddy would ride his motorcycle home from work and we would hear him coming and my two sisters and I would run screaming out to the front of the house and all three of us would climb on the bike and my dad would ride us around the house. I am glad that Jeremy is having so much fun riding.
Jeremy is borrowing a helmet from his Dad and Levi would not take it off. He thought that thing was so cool. He kept saying he was officer Levi.

Father and son

Hang on tight

Hot Biker Mom

Video of Jeremy and Levi

Monday, April 5, 2010

Levis Tubes

Levi got tubes in his ears today. We woke up at 5 am and got to the hospital at 6 am. Levi did so great. He got to play Lego Batman on the X box while we waited. The nurses and doctors came and explained everything to us. Than the nurse and the anesthesiologist came and got him and he was so good. He was racing the anesthesiologist to the OR room.
The surgery went really well. Levi did come out of the anesthesia with a very upset tummy. They gave him a root beer slushy that he threw up three times in PostOp and once on the way home. He kept changing colors so we were calling him a chameleon. He would go from red to pale pale white than throw up and than start to get his color back than turn white again.
We got home and he got some apple juice to stay down so than he had some Ramon noddles. Than he took a 4 hour and has now woken up feeling good. Hes a little grumpy but hes not in any pain.

Practicing breathing in the mask

Playing Batman

Grandma Sherry came to visit

Dr. Smith, the doc that did the surgery

The nurses

Going off the the OR


Still recovering

Big loves for my big trooper

Easter Weekend

We had a wonderful Easter weekend. It started that Friday when my mom came in. Than Saturday we had two Easter egg hunts. The first one was at Grandma Wonderfuls house. They had a huge egg hunt at the retirement home for all the kids. Levi had a blast. Than we went to Grandma Sherry's sister Glorias house and all the cousins had an egg hunt and lunch.
Sunday we got up and Levi found his Easter basket and than found all the eggs around the house. Than we watched Conference.
We than went to Grandma and Grandpa Madsens for the second session of Conference and dinner. We had a wonderful dinner.
All in all it was a great weekend.

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