Thursday, July 17, 2008


I got my new phone today and not a moment to soon. The old one broke completely last night.
I drove Grandma Madsen to her sisters this afternoon. Its a long long drive. Its about an hour and 15 one way. So that made for a very long afternoon.
As many of you know Jeremy and I are trying to have another child and its not going as I planned. When we decided to get pregnant the first time 6 weeks later I found out that I was pregnant. So I had no idea that I would have trouble a second time. 8 months ago we stopped birth control and nothing has happen. I can not believe its been 8 months. The frustrating part is in those 8 months I have only had 3 or 4 periods. I have not had a period in 2 in a half months but the tests keep coming up negative. Jeremy thinks I need to go see a doctor to find out why I am not having my period. I just want to be pregnant. I wanted my kids to be close in age. I told Jer that if I am not pregnant by the time Levi is 3 than I am giving up and going back on birth control. Everyone around me is getting pregnant so you would think with all those vibes that it would be my turn. I know it will happen when its suppose to its just hard to wait some times. I think I need to call the doctor but its about a 3 month wait to get an appointment with any obgyn out here and I dont want to go back to the one I saw before because I did not like him but I might have to if I want to figure this all out. I dont know what to do.

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