Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Levi started preschool. Tuesday was a day where I got to stay and the kids just got to explore the classroom. Today was the first real day where he went by himself. He was really scared and had a meltdown when it was time to line up and go in the school. So than I had a meltdown after I had to stay good by watching him hold the teachers hand and his blanket and walk into that big school crying. When I picked him up he was much happier and said he had a great time and that he wont cry tomorrow. I am excited to see how much he grows this year in school

ID Trip

We had a working vacation in ID. We worked on Jeremys moms house most of the weekend but we also got to play some to. Its a great place to get away from it all and remember what life is about

Are you My Mother? :)

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