Thursday, November 19, 2009


Today I showered and got dressed and got both boys dressed and we were out of the house but 10:20am. We had lunch at Chick-fil-A with a friend of mine. Chick has Levis favorite play land and free ice cream with the kids meal so it makes it one of my favorite places to go. It was so nice to be out of the house. Than we stopped at Target to get some breast milk storage containers and on the way out Levi wanted a little toy that they put at the check stand just to drive us moms all a little more crazy so I said pick one and he said no three and grabed three I said no one. Than the battle started. I had to pry them all out of his hand and than after telling him to pick one or he wasnt getting any and he still didnt pick one I had to pick him up under my arm like a sack of potatoes and drag him kicking and screaming out of Target with no toy. Welcome to motherhood of two!! Some lady looked at us and said "I have been there before a million times" as Levi is on the ground next to the van in the parking lot screaming. I guess this is why I waited to long to take both boys out by myself. Levi has been cooped up in the house with us a little to long and has forgotten how to act in public.
My mom comes in tomorrow morning and I cant wait. It will be nice to have some help.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dads Visit

This weekend my Dad came to visit. It was so good to see him. He got here Saturday morning right before it started snowing. Jeremy, Levi and my Dad cut down 5 of the 8 trees in the yard that we are getting rid of. Than it snowed like crazy while we all took a nap.
When we woke up there was enough snow for a snow man so Dad, Levi and I went out to build a snow man. I did not have any gloves on and about 5 minutes out my hands were cold and I shook them to get the snow off and I felt my wedding ring fly off my finger. So I panic. My wedding ring is missing under 4 inches of snow. So I get the hose and my dad and I start melting the snow away with the water. About 10 minutes of that my did finds one part of the ring. It has two parts to it that interlock and they must of come apart. We we spend the next hour melting the snow looking for the other half. We froze out there with the snow pouring on us and dealing with the water. So we come inside to get to warm. My dad says we should get a metal detector and just return it when we are done. So Jer and him head out to Big 5 and pick up a metal detector. They got home just as it was starting to get dark. So they set the thing up and about 3 minutes out in the yard the find the ring!! I was so happy. It was about a foot away from where found the first half but it was hiding under some weeds and leaves. So we took the the metal dectector back and than went out to dinner.
Today we went to church and than my dad went home.
It was great to see my dad. We had a real nice time.

Dad holding Kyle for the first time

Jer cutting down a tree

Levi getting snow flakes with his tongue, chain saw in hand

Dad and Jer

Looking for the ring

We found it

Sammy took a liking to Grandpa

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Check up

We had Levis 3 year doctor appointment today and Kyles two week. Levi is 31 lbs, and 36.5 inches long. Hes doing great and is healthy.
Kyle is 9 lbs 9 oz and 21.5 inches and also doing great.
Levi got his H1N1 shot while we were there and it was so traumatic for him. He was so sad. Jeremy was with me so he held him down. The rest of the evening all Levi could talk about was the shot.

Monday, November 9, 2009

We are all doing great

We are all doing great. I am learning how to be a mother of two. Jeremy has been such a big help that when he goes to work I really miss him, but we are all still alive.
Kyles favorite place to sleep is on one of our chests.
Levi tells me almost everyday that Auntie M and Kuncle Jeffy (he cant say uncle so it sounds like uncle with a K) are coming to Levi house. They are coming for Thanksgiving but Levi thinks they will be here any minute. Any time some one comes to the house he thinks its my sister. Its cute. Than he lets me that they are going to have a snow bob fight (he means snowball) I think it is so funny. I hope we have some snow for Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Jeremy went back to work today and my mom left this evening. I already miss my mom. She was the biggest help. It was so nice to have her here. She stocked me up on meals in the freezer meals and did everything around the house for a week. Levi loves her so much and he was really sad that she had to go home. He kept saying that he was going to California with her.
So with my mom gone that means tomorrow will be my first day by myself with two children. I hope it goes well. Levi is a little under the weather so I hope hes not to grumpy.
(the picture is an old one when I was still pregnant but I had to post one of me and my mommy)

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Having a two day old baby this year we went over to my father and mother in laws house for Halloween. Levi was able to go trick or treating with his cousins and he had the time of his life. He was so excited to pass out the candy to the kids and than he ran the whole entire time from house to house and every time he got candy he would run up to Jeremy and scream "I got candy". Kyle and I said in the house and hung out with Grandma and Grandpa Madsen. It was a good evening all together.

Kyle David Madsen

Wednesday night my mom came in from California at 10:30pm. Than we tried to get some sleep. Thursday morning we woke up and called the hospital at 7am to see if the had room for us. They said yes and to be there at 7:30. So we said a tearful good bye to Levi and off we went.
At 8:00 the doctor came in and broke my water. Than the nurse started the pitocin about 8:30. Than we just waited. About 12:00 the contractions got really bad so I asked for the epidural. By 12:30 I had the epidural in and it was working great. I was able to relax. At 1:30 the nursed checked my cervix for the first time since I fisrt got there and she said that I was at 9 cm and 100% effaced. So they started getting everything ready for the birth. At about 2:00 she checked me again and I was ready to go. I started pushing about 2:15. While I was pushing some called my doctor so he came running into the room and scared all of us and the nurse was like we are not ready for you. Someone had called him by mistake and told him to come down. So he left. I was still pushing the nurse that called the wrong doctor came into explain how it got mixed up. Than a nurse came in and relied she was in the wrong room and than left. Than the pediatric nurse came in to get things set up. So it was like grand central station while I had my legs up in the air trying to push. I thought it was kind of funny. So I pushed for about 45 minutes and than they called the doctor for real this time and he came down and two pushes later Kyle David Madsen was born at 2:53 pm. He weighed 8 lbs 11 oz, 21 inches long. There was a bunch of myconium in my water when it broke so the doctor had to suction his lungs and he needed a little bit of oxygen right a first but he was perfect. They cleaned him up and gave him to me and it felt so good to finally hold my baby. Jeremy got to cut the cord and it squirted blood all over him.
The hold birth was a wonderful experience. Both Kyle and I were doing so great that we came home Friday night and are now recovering in the comfort of our own home.
Levi is a wonderful big brother. He loves the baby. When we first got home we showed Levi Kyle and told him that he had cracked out of my tummy. Levi was the one that came up with the cracking thing when I was still pregnant. The thinks that my stomach is like a big egg. So anyways he wanted to see the crack. So I lifted up my shirt and showed him there was no baby in there any more and he saw the dark pregnancy line on my belly and jumps up and says I needed a Sponge Bob band aid for the owee. So he gets a band aid from the closet and puts it on my belly and kisses it all better. He did all of that all by himself. It was the sweetest thing for him to do.

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