Saturday, November 15, 2014


My babies had their birthdays not to long ago. Levi turned 8. Kyke turned 5. They are the best boys ever and I love them to death. They are completly different people. Levi is my soft spoken sweet heart. Kyle is in your face loud and very hard headed. 
Levi turned 8 and that means he had the choice to get baptized. He choose to be baptized by Jeremy and it was wonderful. My parents came into town for the weekend. It was so special to have them here. We went to a corn maze on Halloween and had a blast and wore us all out. The next day Levi got baptized. We had a small brunch at our house after. Than that night we went bowling and out to dinner. 
The baptized was super special. Levi was asked to bare is testimony and he did a great job. Two high school boys sang " If the Savior Stood Beside Me" and had me in complet tears. Jeremy bapized Levi and Confrimed him a member and gave him the Holy Ghost. There was so many people there to support Levi. The Spirt was very strong in the room. 
I did not gt many pictures of the baptism. 

Slave Stealer Throwdown

I participated in my very first  crossfit competion.  It was a charity event for Operation Underground Railroad. It's a charity that is stopping child slavery and sex trafficing. 
The event was all for charity and we found out about it 4 days before the event so we did not have long to train for it but we also did not have long to stress about it. It was a team event so Valerie and I did the workout as a team. 
We had a great time. 
The workout was 
30 Snaches with 55#
40 Pull up with a band
30 Squat Clean with 85#
40 Wall balls with an 8# ball
30 Deadlifs with 115#
40 Burpees
Since it was a partner workout I only did half that and that was enought. The squat cleans were the hardest for me. 
It was fun to be around so many people and be excited about crossfit. 
After the workout we got to watch some of the top crossfit athletes in the world compete against each other. It was so cool to watch them workout. I can't explain how awesome it was for me to see them doing some of the things I do at crossfit. The energy as amazing and I loved every minute of it. 
Here are some of the pictures I took. 

Here is Val in the middle of a Snatch 

Here is Val at the top of her snatch

Val and I after the workout all sweaty

Representing Crossfit Fission 

Guns out

This is Rich Froning. The TOP Crossfit athlete in the world!!!

Watching the athelets 

Top of the muscle up

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