Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Today was a super long day and its not over yet. I have a moment of quite to myself while Levi sleeps so I am going to post pics of the game last night.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I am getting more use to waking up early. Its still hard. I hate having to wake Levi up but from what I have heard its good to keep him on a schedule where he wakes up at the same time every day. We have always just woken up when we feel like some times its 4 in the morning and some times its 9:30. So waking him up from sleeping still feels so wrong to me. I hope we will both get use to it.
Taking care of three kids is not as hard as I thought it was going to be. I took them all to the park today and it was our first outing. It went real well. I did not lose any of them. I am not saying I am ready to take them all grocery shopping or to Disneyland by myself but the park was easy. I better knock on some wood.
I got to watch Jer play baseball tonight. His team won 29 to 2. It was fun to watch him play and Levi enjoyed climbing on bleachers and waving to his Daddy. I will post pictures latter. I am tired and need to go to sleep so I can wake up tomorrow.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Today was Levi first day in Nursery. He did all right. He was not over joyed to be there. Half way thru they brought him to me because he needed a diaper change. So I cleaned him up and than took him back and he had a minor melt down but they said he did fine.
Than we had a big family dinner. There was 11 kids and 7 adults. Its was pretty crazy but Levi loved having the cousins to play with. The weather was great today so all the kids played outside. The weather is finally starting to get warm and I love it. I love being able to hang out outside after dinner and watch Levi play in the grass.
Tomorrow I start my new job. I had to set my alarm clock which I have not had to do in over a year. It will be hard to wake up earlier but I will get use to it.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

One Year

Today was our anniversary of the day we moved to Utah. It has now been one full year. I can not believe where the time has gone. Levi is now 18 months old. How can my baby be so old.

Before we moved here I told Jer that I would give it a year and if I still did not like it after a year than we would move back and he said OK. That's the only way he got me to move because I had an out if I hated it. I knew the first year would be hard and I definitely had my moments where I was ready to run screaming back to Cali but I am glad that I stuck it out because this is home now. I still miss my sister and my parents and I wish Amy would stop being so hard headed and move here but shes happy so that's whats matters.

Here is to another great year.

We went to Thanksgiving Point today they were having a baby animal celebration at the petting zoo. It was a little cold when we got there but we had a good time. Levi was not sure of the animals at first but he got to feed the goats and than after that he was not afraid any more. We got to take a wagon ride and have birthday cake to celebrate all the baby animals. I do however need a new camera because some of the pictures are blurry and it seems to be taking more and more blurry pictures.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Firday Night

Today was a good day. Jeremy and I babysat Rachel's two girls and it went real well. They all play so well together. Tomorrow we are going to the baby animal celebration at the petting zoo. I am really looking forward to it. I will be sure to post pictures.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Today was pretty uneventful. I did get my nails done. I love getting them done. They are so pretty now.
Than Jeremy, Levi and I went to the scout pack meeting. My boys did the flag cerimony and sang the Star Spangled Banner in front of everyone. I sang with them witch is way out of my comfort zone. There was like 60 people there. They served a pizza dinner and we had a magician come and perform. Than I got to help give our boys their awards. I think it went real well over all. I think I am really going to like working with the boys and the other leaders. We had root beer floats for desert and Jeremy gave some to Levi which was not the best thing to do. I don't want Levi to ever drink soda and I know thats not going to happen because some day hes going to have it but as long as I have control over what he eats and drinks he will not have soda.
It also snowed today for quite some time. Its not cold enough for it to stick to the ground but it was really snowing. I am so over the snow. I want it to be warm. I want to be able to bring out the sprinklers and let Levi run through them. I really hope it warms up soon. I don't know how much more of this I can take.
Its also my sister Amy's Birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY. I am sorry I am so far away on her birthday because I would love to give her a birthday hug but I will see her soon, not soon enough but I just I just have to wait. They are going wakeboarding for her B Day this weekend and being on the lake in the sun sounds like heaven right now. In 10 days I will be on the beach and the weather better be nice and hot there or I am going to have to have a talk with the man upstairs. :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Ok I need to vent for a minute. We are going to CA next week for Jeremy's dads retirement party and I am going to spend some time with my family. We were flying out with Sherry, Amy and Grandma Madsen. So I was trying to figure out all the details and everyone is changing everything on me and its driving me nuts. I hate not knowing whats going on and I hate when plans change and both of these things keep happening. Sherry is now flying out two days earlier than us and now they tell me that kids can come to the party and that they want them there. I had already ask my mom to watch Levi and she was really looking forward to it and she was going to have him over night. It would have been the first time I had ever been away from him over night. Now they want him there for the party. I wish some one would just tell me whats going on. We were also going to stay with Brandon but Sherry says they will put us up in a hotel so now thats changed. I dont know whats going on and I told Jeremy that I am done making the plans and I will now be along for the ride because I dont want to be responsible for it.
On a happier note. I had about 7 friends over for a movie night tonight and I think that it went really well. We watched The Business of Being Born. Its a good documentary about the maternity care system in America and how they have turned having babies into a business and are just out to make money. It was very informative. It was fun to have everyone over.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Two Blankets!!!!!!

Today was a good day. I had my morning play group with my friends. Than Levi and I went to Babies R Us and found him a back up ninite blanket. I am so happy to now have a spare. Than my girl friend and I went out to lunch and had a great time. Than she came back here and we visited for a while. Jeremy has a softball game and I am sad to miss it but I am going on a field trip with the scouts tonight to go see a magic trick.
I have started to do digital scrap booking and I am so addicted to it. It is so much fun.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Levi has started to say so many words and he knows what they mean. His favorte words are "up" and "hot". He says up whenever he want to be held. Any thing that is warm is hot and he will blow on it. He will walk up to the space heater in his room and say hot and blow on it.
Today I was doing laundry and I had Levi blanket in the wash and I had timed it just right so it would be done by nap time because he cant sleep without it. So I put it in the dryer and than we went and ran some errons. I got home and it was nap time so I went to get the blanket and relized that I had not started the dryer. So all the clothes were still very wet. So I started the dryer and than waited a little while and than tried to put him down with another blanket. He was not happy. So after about 30 min the blanket was not dry but just a little damp so I took the blanket into him and wrapped him up in it and started to rock him again. He said hot hot and started to blow on the blanket. It was so cute.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Duck Video

I love the Sun

Today was a great day. Levi and I went to this wonderful park in Sugarhouse. Levi and I had a great time. We were there with my mom group. There was a pond there and we feed the ducks. Levi loved feeding the birds. The first piece of bread we gave Levi he walked right up to the pond and threw the whole big slice of bread in the water. It was so funny. Than I showed him how to break the bread into pieces and throw little pieces and than he had the ducks eating out of his hand. I loved it. He was the only one who got the birds to eat out of his hand. When ever I see him loving animals and having a connection with the animals it reminds me of the name blessing that Jeremy gave Levi. I love my little nature lover.

Listen close to the video and you can hear Levi talking to the ducks (quacking)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


We tonight I had my boy scout meeting. I am the assisant den leader for the wolf scouts which are the 8 year olds. We meet every Wednesday. This is only my second meeting and it was mine turn to do the activity. This month the kids are learning about magic so I thought them how to do a trick where you take a sugar cube and have a volenteer right a number on the sugar cube and than you drop the cube in water and hold the volenteers hand over the water and the number apears on the palm of there hand when they flip there hand over it. It was fun to show them how to do and they really enjoyed practing it.
Jeremy is working late tonight so I had to take Levi to scouts with me and he did well but it was way past his bed time so he kept falling and hurting himself. Poor guy split his lip on the water fountain and than fell and hit his head and than smacked his chin on the table. He was not having a good night at all but he was a real trooper. So I took him home and while he was in the bath he fell and hit his eye brow on the water spout in the tub. He was beating himself up all night. Poor guy. I hate it when he gets hurt.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Today it snowed again. I am tired of the snow. Yesterday it was 80 and today it was snowing. I am ready to go camping and hiking and be outside and here it goes snowing again. I miss California weather. We never had seasons in Cali and I miss it. Its fun I guess to have everything coming back to live now in the spring but enough with the snow. I am going to visit my family in May and I told my sister that she better have some warm weather when I come over there or I will be unhappy because I plan on being at the beach everyday that I can. She said that she will have nice weather for me.

Monday, April 14, 2008

I have a job

I did nothing again today. Well thats not true. I did the laurdry because Monday is laundry day. I feel much much better than I did yesterday but I did not want to over do it so I took it real easy. I got a job today! My friend Rachel got a job and so in turn I got a job. I will be her childcare provider while she is at work. She has two girls ages 3 and 1.5. We both start our new jobs in a couple weeks. I have not had a job in a year so this will fun and give me some extra money ( extra money is an oxymoron), and its not anything differnt than what I do now just times it by 3. My mom had an in home childcare for most of the time I was growing up so I know a thing or two about kid watching. Levi is getting so big. I love to see him grow and become his own person. He now has so many words. He says I love you which is so cute and he knows a whole bunch of animal sounds. He loves to tell our dog Sammy no and to stop it.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sick Sunday

Well today was not the best day. I was sick all day long. I was up all night with Levi because he did not feel good and than at about 6 I threw up again. I felt a lot better after I had thrown up. I went to the doctor on Friday and he told me I had strep and put both Levi and I on antibiotics. So Saturday I was feeling a bunch better but I think I over did it because today I have spent the whole day on the couch feeling so sick to my stomach. I know what you are thinking. I took a pregnancy test on Saturday and it was negative so that is not what is causing this nausea. So it must be the strep. I hate hate hate being sick. When you are a mom you never get to have a day off even when you are sick. Jer was a big help and I am glad he was home to help me. I really hope that I feel better soon.
So I live in the basement apartment of my FIL house in Utah. We moved here almost a year ago. It will be a year on the 26 of this month. I am learning to love it here. Its was so hard to move away from the place I had lived for 25 years. I miss my family and I felt so guilty for taking Levi away from my parents. Now that its been a year I have made this my home. For the first time since junior high I have made friends and have people that I can call real friends. That is a huge thing for me to have made my own friends. I am so happy that I was able to meet these wonderful people and become friends. At this point I am not sure I would move back to Cali if I had the chance. That's what these friends mean to me. Like I said I have not made friends since junior high and you are probably thinking yeah right, but its true. I have my best friend Amy who is also my sister and she will always be there for me because we are sister. I have my friend Beth who is like a sister to me because I cant remember a time when she was not my friend. But now I have friends that are not related to me in any way so they choose to be my friends and that makes my heart happy to think about. I am still new to this making friends thing and my new wonderful friend Rachel makes it so easy to be her friend and she gives me confidence to be myself and that's what friends are for. I love my new friends and I don't know how I lived without them before I moved here.
So I hope I feel better tomorrow because I have a very dirty house that needs to be clean.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Grandmas Birthday

Today we went out to dinner at the Olive Garden for Grandma Madsen birthday. Jeremy, Levi and I were there along with Jeremy's dad and step mom and Grandmas two SI Ls and Jeremy's step sister Amy and her three kids. Its was quite the crowd. We had a nice time at dinner and Levi did very well. Grandmas actual bday is tomorrow and she is turning 87 I think. She is not doing very well health wise so I am always glad when we can get her out and spend time with here.
When we got home from dinner Levi was real tired so I bathed him and got him ready for bed and than I was singing to him and rocking him like I do every night and all of a sudden he threw up on me. So I called Jer in to help me clean him up while I changed my shirt. Levi got a new pair of jammies on. Well this is not such a big deal because we just clean it up and start the rocking and singing over but he threw up all over his BLANKET. He has a very special green blanket that he can not fall asleep without and he loves that blanket very much. So I asked Jer to put his blanket in the wash so it would be done asap. So I grab another blanket out of the closet as close to the feel of his blanket as possible and see if he will take it. He does not like the new blanket but he was so tired and did not feel good that he went to sleep with out to much fuss. But I have a feeling that he will be waking up in the middle of the night and looking for his blanket so I have it all clean and ready when he does.
I have been saying for months that I need a back up blanket so every where I go I look for the same blanket but I have not been able to find one yet. I really need to find one so I have an identical one when something like this happens.
So after Levi was asleep Jer and I ended the day by playing Guitar Hero II.

Friday, April 11, 2008

My First Blog

So this seems to be the thing to do now. So I better jump on the band wagon and start my own blog. I love reading everyone eles blogs so I thought I would start my own. I am currently sick with strep throat and my son as and ear infection so we started the day with a trip to the doc and got some antibiotics and than came home and I tired to rest as much as one can with a 18 month old that does not feel good. I hope that we will both feel better soon
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