Thursday, July 10, 2008


I had a pretty good day. Levi and I went swimming with some friends and had a great time. Levis new thing is to stand on the stairs and jump to me. He will jump off the stairs and than swim under the water to me and than I will lift him out of the water. He cant swim well enough to keep his head out of the water but he can swim under the water. He would have so much fun under the water. His eyes would be wide open and he would kick and than grab my arm and I would lift him up and put him back on the stair and he would do it again. Every time before he jumped he would yell this word three time. I am not sure what he was yelling but he said the same thing every time. It was sooo cute. I love him so much. I am so glad that he loves the water. I really need to get him into swim classes.

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