Sunday, August 10, 2008


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This weekend was a good weekend. We went to the County Fair yesterday and Levi had the most fun in the petting zoo. He had to walk up to every single animal in there and pet it. He tried to get on top of the miniature cow but Jeremy would not let him. He was so happy to just be in there with all the animals. We also saw the sheep and the big cows and he loved seeing them too. He would moo at the cows and he even tried to baa like a sheep. It was so fun to watch him interact with the animals.
Today we went to church. Levi brought the snack to nursery and thought he was to cool getting to carry the snack bucket but as soon as I opened the door to the classroom he freaked out. I think that hes getting more use to it though.
Tomorrow we are meeting are realtor at our new house and doing a walk through so I will post pictures latter this week. I am going to take a bunch of pics and Jer is going to measure the rooms and such so I know how big of a fridge I need to get and how much carpet we will need and all the fun stuff. I am getting so excited about having are own house. We went to Lowes yesterday and just walked around and thought of all the cool stuff the we are going to do to the house. I told Jer that because he is a craftsman that I expect our house to have the coolest wood work in it and I have a long long list of stuff that I need him to build for us. My favorite part of Lowes was the garden section with all the plants and we had fun just dreaming of all the things we want to do, like put a huge pond in the yard with fish and put different trees around and a fire pit. We ended up not spending a dime at Lowes which I thought was amazing if you know my husband. We were just window shopping and dreaming.
I cant wait to be in my own space and I hope everything goes smooth from here on out.
I told Amy that I would post a map so she could see where the new house is so that link at the top is to the map. The blue pin at the top of the map is the new house, the one at the bottom is the house we are in now, the one in the middle is Jers work. Let me know if the link worked for you Amy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah girl the map totally worked. Thanks it looks like you are about a half and hour closer to me now too. I like it and thanks for doing that still can't hardley wait for pictures. Love you

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