Saturday, August 16, 2008

BBQ 3 times this week

Today was the Elders Quarm BBQ. We had to go early to set up and help cook. We had a good time. We have has 3 BBQ this week. I am not complaining because that less food that we had to buy.
We also started packing today. Levi was not helping at all and we got the spare room mostly done. We are going through stuff and throwing a bunch of it away. Some of the stuff I wonder how it ever made it to Utah with us. It should of been left in Cali but oh well its not making a move again. So it took a while to go through the room because we were not just packing but throwing stuff out.

Levi loves to color. I was coloring with him the other day and than I look over at him and he is holding the crayon just like I was and coloring. I could not believe that he was holding a crayon like a big boy. So I jumped up and grabbed the camera because I was so impressed. Here is the video

Also in the video you can hear him say "Please". Its his new favorite word because he thinks he can get whatever he wants if he says please.

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