Friday, August 15, 2008

Fetzers Summer Party

Today was good. This evening we went to Jeremys work Summer Party. It was fun. We went last year but Levi was to little to really enjoy the games. So this year he really got into it. The food was really good and they had a ton of games to play like bean bag toss and a big inflatable slide. The kids favorite is the Candy Cannon. Its an air filled cannon that they stuff candy in and shot if off at the top of a hill and all the kids run and get the candy. Levi thought it was the coolest thing. We also won a $50 card to Best Buy in the raffle. The weather was cooler because we were up in the mountains but it felt so nice to be cool. Its been so hot for the last 2 months that I was loving the cooler weather.
This weekend we are going to start packing. Let the fun begin.

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