Sunday, August 24, 2008

When it rains it pours

Yesterday we signed all the closing papers for the house. We get to keys tomorrow. We are home owners. Its very exciting and scary all at the same time. We went to our new ward today. I love the ward. Everyone was super friendly and made us feel really welcome. I think we will fit into this ward a lot better.
I am a little stressed out right now because I have to get new tags for my car by the end of this month and its going to be $600 to fix it so it will pass the safety and emission test. So Jeremy and I are trying to figure out how we can do it. We might have to wait and fix the floors in the house for a few months because the car needs to be fixed. I guess this is part of being a home owner. I think I am cursed because very car I have ever had has not passed smog the first time and has always cost a but load of money to fix it before it will pass. So I really do think that I am cursed.
We are still trying to figure it all out because we need to redo the hardwood floors and we need to fix the car and we need to get a fridge. Once all those things have happen than I will feel a whole lot better and I know that they will all get done in there own time but I am a total stress case right now, mostly because of the car.
When it rains it pours.

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