Sunday, August 17, 2008

No more water please

I think we have more than our fair share of water damage. Today I was sleeping in because on the weekend its Jer job to wake up with Levi and I get to sleep in. So I was just waking up and Jer comes in the bedroom and says to Sammy "If you peed in the hallway than you are going to be spending the day outside" He thought Sammy had an accident but than he realized that it was not Sammy and that there was water flooding the hallway. I jump out of bed and am trying to figure out where all the water is coming from. It was all over the bathroom and laundry room. Jer goes up stairs to get his parents and than we realize that it was the toilet that was leaking. I guess it had been leaking all night and it was a huge leak because we had a lake in the bathroom it had gone all the way to laundry room and than into the storage room. So we spent all morning trying to clean up all the water and we have been using the bathroom upstairs until we can fix the one down here.
First it was the water in the closet, than the celling in the kitchen was raining water, than the window well flooded into our living room, and now it was the toilet. Sherry said this morning that we are probably excited to move out of here because its been one thing after the other and its all been water issues. I think we should be good with the water for a while. At least if it happens when we get our own house than we will know how to handle it and we will have lots of practice on cleaning the water up.

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