Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I did scouts tonight all by myself. My partner had a family thing she was at so I was in charge of it all. Not to toot my own horn but it could not have gone better. The theme this month is Summer fun. So we meet at the park and I brought an ice chest full of water balloons. We played a game with the water balloon where the boys tried to make the biggest spat with the balloon. One at a time they held the water balloon above their head and than threw it on the ground. I than took a piece of chalk and drew a circle around the spat mark the water made on the pavement. Who ever had the biggest circle won. The boys had so much fun spatting the balloons. We did that about 4 times. Than we all sat in a circle and played a version on hot potato with the water balloons. Instead of passing it to the person next to you you threw it to someone across from you. If you did not catch it or it broke on you than you were out and you play till theres a winner. The boys really enjoyed that one. We were having so much fun that a boy from the park joined us. He was a little young for scouts but the more the merrier. Than after a few rounds of that game we had an all out war with the rest of the balloons. Than I said that who ever picked up the most broken balloons got the first treat. I had never seen them pick up trash so fast in my life. They were running every where finding the little pieces of balloon. That was the best part of the night. Some times I do have the best ideas. Than we made smores. My partner had dropped off a little smore maker eairler in the day for us to use. It was this cute thing that you put a can on setrno in and roast the marsh mellows. The boys all had about three smores each. They were compelty wet and sticky by the time they went home.
I am really going to miss the scouts when we move. Its been really fun to work with them. I am not going to miss the ward but the scouts I will miss.

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