Monday, August 4, 2008

Our new house

Well the offer was accepted and now all we need to do is have it inspected and than we will be home owners. I am so happy. Everything seems to be falling into place.
Here is a pic of the out side of the house. This was the pic from the add. Next time I go to the house I am going to bring my camera and take some of my own pictures so Amy and mom can see the inside. I cant wait to start moving and have my own space and a huge yard for Levi and Sammy.
Jeremy said that when we get our own place I can have a cat so I will be getting a cat very soon.
I will keep you all updated on the progress.


Anonymous said...

yeah i'm so happy for you. can't wait for more pictures

Jeff said...

Thats Awesome Guys. I'm so excited for you! Your living the dream. Think of all the amazing things you can do with your own patch of mother earth. And you get to call it your very own. Congratulations!

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