Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I hate moving

Today was a busy day. I took two car load of boxes over to the new house than waited for the gas guy to come turn on the gas. He came and it took him forever to get the water heater working beacuse there was something wrong with the venting. He was very nice because he could have just red tagged it and told me to get some one out there to fix it but he was nice and fixed it for me.
Than Jer came over after work and we ripped up all the carpet in the 3 bedrooms. Now there is no more carpet in the whole house. I am excited. We are moving right along. Tomorrow we are going to rip up the tax strips from the carpet and get the kitchen sink working. Right now the sink is leaking out the garbage disposal and there is a line that use to run to the ice maker in the fridge that just squirts water everywhere now that there is not a fridge. So we need to cap that I hopefully just tighten the disposal. I am just taking one day at a time and one step at a time. I was really overwhelmed yesterday but I am doing better today. I just want to blink my eyes and have it all done. I hate moving and having a two year old under foot makes it that much crazier. I will be so glad when the move is all over. Its hard to have a house and not be living in it. But I do love the house and think that its going to be great for us to have are own space.

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