Saturday, June 7, 2008

Water in the house again

So it rained Wednesday night and Thursday morning I woke up and was walking out the door on my way to work and noticed that there was a river coming in the closed window in the living room. So I threw as many towels as I could find on the water and left. Than I packed all the kids up and came home to asses the damage. I got home and realized the rain had filled up the window well and the water was coming in. I moved everything out of the living room and there was water everywhere. It took the carpet cleaner and just used it to suck up all the water and it filled the carpet cleaner up twice. So after I did what I could to clean the water up I started on the window well and realized that there was still 8 inches of standing water in the window well and its the window that is under the deck out side so to get to it I had to crawl on my belly like a snake and reach down there to get all the trash out. So once my father in law got home and Jeremy we all went to work on the window wells because there was 3 of them with water in them but luckily only one had leaked into the house. So it took us all afternoon to clean them all out and I am still sore 2 days later. I think that we have had are share of water damage in the house to last us all year.
Yesterday was my last day at work. I am excited to become a SAHM again.

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