Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Today I am so proud of myself. I went to a water aerobics class and did an hour workout. The class started at 9 so I was up and out of the house at 830. I loved the class so much. There was about 10 of us in the class and all the other ladies were old and fat but I had a great time. The teacher was great and she was in the water with us the whole time. We spent 40 minutes in the deep end and than 2o in the shallow end. I am defenitly going to do it again. I really felt like I got a whole body work out. I put Levi in the child care there and that was so hard. I was worried about him the whole time. Its hard because hes so quite and he gets lost in the shuffle. But the lady said that he did ok and did not really cry just whined for a while before he found sometime to play with. It makes me really nervous because he cant talk so he cant let me what went on when I was not there and he cant let anyone there know what he needs. So it was so hard for me to leave him there and it was only for an hour. Maybe it will get easier.
Than we had lunch with Jer. That was fun to.
I also had scouts tonight and we went for a bike ride. So I got a double work out.

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