Friday, June 13, 2008

I hate my teeth

Levi does not feel good and was up all night and I have a tooth that has gone off on me and I now have a infection in my jaw.
I drove the 70 miles to pick up Grandma Madsen's sister and bring her to Grandmas house for the week. It was a nice drive.
I really hope that Levi feels better soon. I am not sure what is wrong with him. He might have another ear infection. Hes just been really grumpy and unhappy. He woke up in the middle of the night and would not go back to sleep. We had not had a night like that in a long time. Usually when he wakes up he goes back to sleep when I rock him but he was not having it last night so we came out and watched TV for a few hours and than I tried again. I hope he gets more sleep tonight.

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