Sunday, June 29, 2008


Today was a great day. It was however a little to warm.
We went to church today. Levi still has a real hard time saying good bye to me in nursery. It hard to see him screaming but they say that he calms down by snack time. When I come to pick him up he is happy and playing. They told me that he participate in the lesson today which made me really happy.
We had a primary teacher training today which I was ask to attend because I teach the cub scouts and that is a primary calling. It was a really nice meeting. Its always nice to hear new ways to improve yourself.
Jeremy turns 30 on Wednesday. He thinks he is getting old and this is a big one so I think its hitting him hard. I told him to look forward to the future and all the things to come. He is a wonderful husband and father and I love him so much and I can not wait to spend the next 30 years with him.
Levi has learned a new trick. He has learned how to spin around in little tight circles and he will keep doing this until he falls over. He than gets up to do it again and he wont be able to walk straight. I think it is so funny to watch him. He cracks himself up and that makes me laugh too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tell jeremy that 30 isn't that old it's in the 50's that he needs to worry about. Miss all of you

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