Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bye Grandma

I am glad to be home and I know that Jeremy is so happy to have me and Levi back. He took the day off work so he could pick me up from the airport and than spend the day together. I had to get up at 3 AM this morning to get to the airport on time. So I am going to go to bed early.
I got home and realized that I have left my camera at my moms house so I am bummed about that. I wont be able to upload any pictures for awhile till I get that back.
Levi learned two new words while we were in California. He says Grandma and Ahhh Choooo. Its so cute. He said Grandma 3 times very clear and now when he says it its not quite as clear.
Sammy is real glad to see me. I brought him a bone from the Corralitos Market and he loved it. He had been playing ball with me the whole day. Jeremy said that Sammy took my spot in the bed while I was gone.
I love to go visit my family. Its so fun to spend time with them. I can just be myself around them. It is nice to come home however.

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