Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sleepy Sunday

We went to church today and than to a friends BBQ. It was a great Sunday. I even got to sleep in.
It was a great weekend over all and tomorrow I get to sleep in. I am looking forward to spending time with Levi and getting some stuff done around the house.
I have been so tired lately I cant seem to get enough sleep and even when I am awake I feel run down and tired. Maybe I need to go see the doc and have some blood work done. But if I think back I have always been on the tired side but the past month it has gotten bad were some times it feels like I have taken a sleeping pill in the middle of the day when I have not taken anything. Some morning like this morning it is so hard for me to get up and get motivated. I woke up with Levi at 6 but as soon as Jer woke up I laid down on the couch and slept till 10. I dont know what is wrong with me. I really wish I had more energy. I lay down at night for bed and I cant fall asleep for a long time. I took a PM tonight so I could go to sleep so we will see how I feel tomorrow

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