Monday, June 2, 2008


Today started out like a really bad day. I woke up and got ready to go to work and got Levi up was all ready to go and than I could not find my keys and than it dawned on me that they were in the diaper bag which was locked in the car. So I call Jer in a panic and he tells me to call Cody and see if he can bring the girls to me. So I call Cody and he cant bring the girls because he dose not have the car seats. So I call Jer back and he says that as soon as his boss was out of his meeting he would come home and give me his spare keys. So I was an hour late to Cody's house and that means that he was late to work to. I hate being late and I felt like the biggest idiot in the world. Jer and Cody were not happy with me and Jer told me that I need to keep better track of my keys. So I thought it was going to be a crapy day because I was already feeling like a loser but I was able to turn it around and have a pretty good day. Jer is working late to make up for the time it took him to bring me the keys. I had fun with the girls today. Than I came home and did some laundry and cleaned the crap out of me kitchen.
When Jer gets home we are going to have some dinner and than go for a walk around the neighborhood.
I brought my keys in the house so we wont have the same drama again tomorrow.

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