Tuesday, June 17, 2008

ENT visit

I am really looking forward to going to Cali on Friday. My plane leaves at 6AM so Jeremy will take me there before he goes to work which means I have to wake up at 4AM. It will be so worth it. My dad is picking us up from the airport and than we are driving straight to the lake and camping the rest of weekend. I really wish Jer was coming to. It will be so fun to be with my family doing the things that we love (camping, boating, swimming, sunbathing, wakeboarding, tubing). I know Levi will have a good time because he loves camping and loves the water.
Today we had Levi's ENT appointment and the doctor said that we will hold off on tubes and see if he gets another ear infection over the summer. He has water in he ear canal and we should have that checked in a month or so but other than that everything is good. I was very happy about that. I don't want him to have to have surgery.
Than we went to a swimming meet up and had a great time playing in the water.
We we got home from the meet up Grandpa M was out in the garage working so Levi and I played outside with him for awhile. They have this little scooter that is meant for big kids but Levi was determine to ride so Grandpa had to help him with it. It was so cute and I just happen to have my camera with me so I snapped some pictures

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