Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Ok I need to vent for a minute. We are going to CA next week for Jeremy's dads retirement party and I am going to spend some time with my family. We were flying out with Sherry, Amy and Grandma Madsen. So I was trying to figure out all the details and everyone is changing everything on me and its driving me nuts. I hate not knowing whats going on and I hate when plans change and both of these things keep happening. Sherry is now flying out two days earlier than us and now they tell me that kids can come to the party and that they want them there. I had already ask my mom to watch Levi and she was really looking forward to it and she was going to have him over night. It would have been the first time I had ever been away from him over night. Now they want him there for the party. I wish some one would just tell me whats going on. We were also going to stay with Brandon but Sherry says they will put us up in a hotel so now thats changed. I dont know whats going on and I told Jeremy that I am done making the plans and I will now be along for the ride because I dont want to be responsible for it.
On a happier note. I had about 7 friends over for a movie night tonight and I think that it went really well. We watched The Business of Being Born. Its a good documentary about the maternity care system in America and how they have turned having babies into a business and are just out to make money. It was very informative. It was fun to have everyone over.

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