Saturday, April 26, 2008

One Year

Today was our anniversary of the day we moved to Utah. It has now been one full year. I can not believe where the time has gone. Levi is now 18 months old. How can my baby be so old.

Before we moved here I told Jer that I would give it a year and if I still did not like it after a year than we would move back and he said OK. That's the only way he got me to move because I had an out if I hated it. I knew the first year would be hard and I definitely had my moments where I was ready to run screaming back to Cali but I am glad that I stuck it out because this is home now. I still miss my sister and my parents and I wish Amy would stop being so hard headed and move here but shes happy so that's whats matters.

Here is to another great year.

We went to Thanksgiving Point today they were having a baby animal celebration at the petting zoo. It was a little cold when we got there but we had a good time. Levi was not sure of the animals at first but he got to feed the goats and than after that he was not afraid any more. We got to take a wagon ride and have birthday cake to celebrate all the baby animals. I do however need a new camera because some of the pictures are blurry and it seems to be taking more and more blurry pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your such a good mommy. I wish I had your patience and good nature..*JEALOUS*

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