Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I am getting more use to waking up early. Its still hard. I hate having to wake Levi up but from what I have heard its good to keep him on a schedule where he wakes up at the same time every day. We have always just woken up when we feel like some times its 4 in the morning and some times its 9:30. So waking him up from sleeping still feels so wrong to me. I hope we will both get use to it.
Taking care of three kids is not as hard as I thought it was going to be. I took them all to the park today and it was our first outing. It went real well. I did not lose any of them. I am not saying I am ready to take them all grocery shopping or to Disneyland by myself but the park was easy. I better knock on some wood.
I got to watch Jer play baseball tonight. His team won 29 to 2. It was fun to watch him play and Levi enjoyed climbing on bleachers and waving to his Daddy. I will post pictures latter. I am tired and need to go to sleep so I can wake up tomorrow.

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