Monday, October 6, 2008


Wow what a weekend. It was so nice to have my family here. I miss them already. Levi loved having them here. His new best friend is Amy. He learned to say her name the first day she was here and after that it was Amy this and Amy that. He would call her and follow her. She could not go to the bathroom with out him sticking his hands under the door. He would even go to her before me. It was so cute. He has been asking where Amy went ever since she left. Than when my parents left he asks wheres Amy, wheres Papa, wheres Mama. Hes is so sad tonight that they are gone.
We did so many things while they were here. We went to Cabelas. We went on a 5 mile hike to the hot springs. We got pedicures. We had a birthday party for Levi. Jeremy and I spent a night at the Anniversary Inn by ourselves while they watched Levi. Mama and Papa took Levi up to Logan. They also took him to Gardner Village. We made a beautiful stepping stone for my mom with Levis hand print in it that will go in her garden. Dad and Jeremy went fishing. We went to the Dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving point. Dad and Jeremy went to the Priesthood session of Conference. We watched the Sunday sessions of Confrence. Wow we did so much. It was not all in the order but we packed a lot in to the weekend.
I am really going to miss them and I hope that they come back soon.

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