Tuesday, October 28, 2008

2 year Check

I took Levi to his 2 year check up today. Hes as healthy as an ox. She said that everything looks good. Hes 29.2 pounds and is 34 inches tall which puts him right about 50%. Its always a relief to hear that your child is right where he should be and thriving. She also said that I have to get him off the bottle. I knew this so I am glad that she agreed with me. She said the best way is cold turkey and deal with about a week of hell. I am scared. I wanted to start tonight but Jer is more worried about it than I am and he said that we should start tomorrow because Levi had two shots today so hes in pain. Jeremy really hates to hear Levi cry and I think he knows how hard it will be on both Levi and me so he wants to prolong the inevitable. I know what I need to do but knowing and doing are two different things. Wish me luck. Its going to be a ruff week or so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope that it all works out for you

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