Monday, October 13, 2008

Sad Monday

Last night one of the moms in my moms group was in a serious car accident. We had a big snow storm this weekend and she was driving in the blizzard and lost control and hit the guard rail and than was T boned by a pick up truck. She had her two children in the car. She got the worst of it. She went in for brain surgery last night and when she came out the neurosurgeon was hopeful at her coming through. She broke a bone that connects the skull to the spine, she broke it in 2 places. That is really bad, the doctors are not sure yet what they are going to do about that. She is heavily sedated so that she doesn't move her neck at all. She still has all of the other problems also, they had to deal with the head trauma first though because it was the most life threatening. When she was coming out of surgery she moved her toes, the doctors were really excited about that it means she doesn't have a spinal cord injury. Right now she is listed as stable.

Its really got me upset today. I was not that close to her but I know her and her family. We all went camping together this summer. She just had a baby and her baby is at a completely different hospital with trauma of his own. They think that he will be ok and should go home tomorrow. Her other child is fine physically.

I cant believe that this happened to some one I know. I feel so helpless. I wish there was something that I could do. I have not been able to stop thinking about it all day. So I thought I would write about it and maybe I would feel better.

Its so scary how life can change in the blink of an eye. I just pray that her and her family will be alright. This just brings up a lot of old feelings from when my family was in our car accident 11 years ago. I know how scary it is to be at a different hospital than your mom and to have no idea what is going on. I also know that it will be a long road to recovery for Sarah. But shes young so I hope she heals quickly and she is lucky to be alive.

I thought writing about it would help but its not making me feel any better. I just I will look at the bright side. Everyone is alive.

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