Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Day

7:00 am- Kyle demands I get out of bed. I stay in bed and let him watch tv in my bed
7:30am- Levi now wants me to get up cause he's hungry
8:00 -I get up, get the kids food
8:15- I strip their beds cause the sheets need to washed
8:20- change Kyle's diaper and dress both boys
8:30- Get dressed and warm up the car
8:50- Leave to take Levi to school
9:15- Pick up Rachel and kids and head to the gym
9:35- start kickboxing class
10:35- end kickboxing class
11:10- drive rachel to the bank
11:35- drop Rachel off at her house
12:00- Pick Levi up from school
12:15- get in the shower
12:30- have lunch
1:15- nap time
2:30-nap time is over and I didn't get to sleep
4:30- start dinner
5:15-eat dinner
7:00 bath time for the boys
7:30- jammies , story time,family prayed
8:30- kids in bed
9:300-I'm in bed

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