Thursday, January 26, 2012

15 interesting facts about me

In no particular order here are 15 interesting things about me
1) I am scared of planes. Not flying in them but when they fly over me especially really low flying ones. They freak me out cause I think they are going to drop bombs on me.
2) I bite my nails.
3) I was born with a serious heart problem that fixed its self by the power of God.
4) I won a sparing tournament in my teens.
5) I slept with a machete under my pillow until I was married.
6) I love being a stay at home mom and wouldn't trade it for a million dollars
7) I have an unhealthy amount of empathy for people, ALL people
8) I have a ring tattoo on my left ring finger
9) I will be 30 this year.
10) I am super super shy
11) I have a wiener dog named Sammy and two cats
12) I have had two surgeries to remove fatty tumors from my back.
13) I am scared to death of dead animals
14) I love the water. In a past life I am pretty sure I was a fish.
15) I can't eat spicy food.

Coming up with 15 things was way hard.

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