Monday, January 2, 2012


Wow what a crazy December. Our dear sweet Gramma Wonderful had a massive stroke and died 5 days later. It was a really really ruff 5 days to watch her suffer, but I know now she is in a much better place and much happier. When ever Levi says the prayer in our house weather its the blessing on the food or the family prayer he always says "please keep Gramma Wonderful safe and happy in Heaven" it makes tears come to my eyes almost every time he says it.
One good thing about Gramma was that all the family was together. It was the first time in 10 years that we had everyone together. I am glad that all Jeremys siblings got to be here and I know it was really helpful for Dennis to have all his kids in this hard time.
Right after Gramma funeral was Christmas. We took the kids up to Idaho and spent Christmas with Jermemys mom. It was fun and relaxing up there.
We had a New Years Eve party at our house with some friends and a whole bunch of kids. We celebrated the new year with New York and than everyone went home and I fell asleep before midnight.
So December was a super super long busy crazy month.

Jeremy and Kyle at the funeral

Gramma Wonderful

Pall Bearers

All of the grandkids

All the kids

The only picture I have from Christmas

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Oh, Alice, I knew she had had the stroke but didn't know she had passed away. My sincere condolences!

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