Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Jeremy made journeyman!! He had his yearly review today and they decided that they would make him a Journeyman. He is so happy. It means more money and hes not a lowly apprentice any more. I am proud of him. He works really hard and its so nice for him to work for a company that sees what a valuable employee he is and recognizes his hard work. Its funny cause last night I had a dream that he was fired, and today out of the blue he tells me hes made Journeyman.

I had a wonderful day at the park and I am really sun burnt.

I also found out that my good friend Beth is in town today and will be visiting me Friday night and spending the night. I am so excited to see her. She is pregnant with her first one and due 3 weeks before me. So it will be so fun to compare bellies and stories.


Anutie M said...

glad to here that life is treating you well. Miss you and tell Jer congrats.

Derico Photography said...

That is great! Tell him we said congrats! We'd probably better not have game night this weekend... we're still getting over our colds here :( Maybe we could do the swimming thing on Tuesday?

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