Saturday, January 17, 2009

I am never going to Walmart again.

Today was good and bad. Jeremy had to stay another day in California so he did not get home till tonight at about 7.
So had the whole day with Levi. We went to lunch with a friend of mine. I had a great time. It was good to chat. Than I went and got a new mouse for my laptop at Circuit City. Circuit City is going out of business so it was 30% off of everything and there was a mass amount of people and only two checkers. So that took forever.
Than I went and got something to eat with Grandma. Than we had to go to Walmart do Grandma could pick up a few things. It was about 3 in the afternoon at this point and Levi had not had a nap yet. So he was throwing a major fit in Walmart. ThanI had to change a poopy diaper in Walmart and I walked in to the mens room. Some guys was peeing and said your in the mens room when I walked in. Wow talk about embassing. I think Walmart should make a rule that all there bathroom are in the same place cause the one by my house the girls bathroom is on the right side and this Walmart is differnt. So I was so frazzled and Levi was still screaming. Than Grandma had to walk up and down in no order what so ever an hour later we were in line and the check out line took longer than the shopping. There was so many people there. I am never ever going to Walmart on a Saturday again. At least not with a 2 year old that has missed his nap and a Grandma that does not understand.
So than we got home and put grocey away and than whent and picked up Jeremy.
I was gone all day. I am super tired. I have not been out of the house in months and I tried to do it all today.

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