Thursday, January 29, 2009


This morning Grandma Madsen was taken to the hospital. After a bunch of tests and to make a long story short, she had a clot in her heart that moved into her brain and they have her in the ICU on some blood thinning medicin to try and dissolve the clot and if it wont dissovle with the meds than they will need to go in surgliclly and remove it. Shes doing really good with all that can be expected and we were able to see her. It was pretty scarey there for a while now the only thing to worry about is if the clot gets lose and moves to another part of the brain and that would be a real bad thing. So now all we can do is wait.

On a happier note I got to go play board games with my girlfriends tonight. We had a Moms Night In. It was a lot of fun. I am so gald that I went. I am so lucky to have friends. I some times look at myself and wonder where the shy girl that never talked or never had any frineds went but I like who I have become.

After the games I went grocey shopping. It was like 10 pm. I dont think that I have ever been grocey shopping with out Levi. It was kind of nice to be able to focus soley on what I was doing. I night start shopping at midnight all of the time. The only bad part was that all the checkers had gone home so I had to take my huge chart that was over flowing and go thru the self check out. The self check out is really nice when you have about 10 things but with a buch of things it probally took about 30 mintues to get through all of the stuff. The nice staff membere was helping me so it could have been worse.

Well I am off to bed.


Mrs Mommy said...

Oh honey! I am so sorry to hear about Grandma, but I am so happy to hear they now know what is going on.

I love who you are and I am so glad we are friends! BTW...Grocery shopping at night without the kiddos is like a freaking date night! LOL

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