Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

We got home last night at 1am. It was a wonderful Christmas with family. It was hard to say good bye. We were having so much fun. I took over 300 pictures so I am still trying to get a slide show together so I can just post them in a slide show.
We went to the beach and did so many family tradition with my family. Than we went up to Jeremy moms house and had a wonderful time. Levi had so much fun with Cody and he keeps asking where he is.
We had a very low key new years. We went to the beach and bonfire and burned Christmas tress which is a tradition. We went back to Jeremy moms house and watched a movie than went to bed. We did stay up till midnight Utah time but did not make it to midnight Cali time.
We went to the Monteray Bay Aquarium with my family and had a blast. Levi loved all the fish but he had a best time chasing the pigeons on the warf and he kept calling them chickens.
I am glad to be home but I wish I did not have to much stuff to do.

Here are some of my pictures from the trip.

From left to right is my BIL Jeff, my sis Amy, Me, Jeremy and Levi

Aunt Amy and Levi

The family on my parents boat in the ocean

My parents and Levi driving the boat

The Monteray Bay

This is Rachel, Cody and Levi feeding the goats

This is Levi with his new work goggles.

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