Monday, September 15, 2008

Weekend News

It was a long weekend. I was with out the internet all weekend. I found an unlocked internet signal when we first moved but when I woke up Friday morning it was gone. We did sign up for Comcast but they wont be coming till Friday. My signal came back this moring so I thought I would write something.
We sold Jers car this weekend. We now only have one car. Jer works so close to home that for now unless I need to go somewhere before 11 he will come home at lunch and give me the car, I will than take him back to work and than pick him up at 430. If I need the car before 11 than I will have to get me and Levi up at 5 so we can take him to work. I think that we will make it work. We will be saving $300 a month by selling it.
We had dinner at the inlaws last night. That was fun. Its nice to go over and visit and than we able to go home to our own house.
We spent most of the weekend working on the yard. The grass right now is trash so we are trying to revive it. Jers dad has given us a lawn mower so we mowed and fertilized it and water it and than this morning I ferliized it again. We are trying to bring it back before the snow falls. The neighbor across the street has the most beautiful lawn so our gole is by next spring to have a lawn that looks like his. The house across the street is for sale.
My parents are coming to visit next month. I am so excicted. My sister is suppose to be coming out also but this moring I got a not so funny email about the ticket I got her not being valid. My friend works for JetBlue and got me a very cheap ticket for her but I am not sure whats going on now. I will be really sad if Amy cant come out. I miss her like crazy. I think knowing that my family is coming out has made me really home sick this weekend.

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