Monday, September 15, 2008


We got a kitten today. Jer told me that when we got our own place that I could have a cat. So tonight we went and picked up a free kitten. We named her Lilly after Shreks mother in law Lillian. Levis favorite movie is Shrek one, two and three. He will ask me all day long if he can watch Shrek. He now says "I need Shrek". When he wants some thing he will say that he needs it. Its cute. Levi is in love with Lilly. The whole ride home he wanted her to sit on his lap and than when we got home he would not leave her alone. He says " I need Lilly." Its so cute that he can say her name already. I have yet to hear him say Sammy but 15 minutes after we name the cat hes saying her name. He was carrying her around the house and kept wanting me to put her on his lap. I think that it is so great that he is an animal lover. Jer and I love all animals so I would be really worried if Levi did not like animals.
Sammy and Lilly are still not to sure about each other. She likes to hiss at him and Sammy just whinnes and shakes. But after Levi was in bed Jer and I were playing with Lilly on our bed and Sammy came in and the next thing I know Jer, Sammy and Lilly are all asleep on the bed. I think that Sammy and Lilly will become friends after a while
Some of the pics with Levi and Lilly Levi is naked because he had just gotten out of the bath.
If you watch the video Levi has this thing with Lilly sitting on his leg. She must sit on his leg. I think its funny.

On a complety diffent subject. In my last post I said that we had been working on the lawn. Jer moved the lawn for the fist time this weekend and Levi wanted to help so I thought I would post some of the pictures of Jer and Levi mowing the Lawn.

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